Start School Right with a Kindergarten School Supplies Kit

     Start School Right with a Kindergarten School Supplies Kit

The exciting moment has come. Your child is starting school. You can’t believe it!  Your toddler has morphed into a five-year-old, somehow, when you weren’t looking. You don’t know how it happened so fast. You are not sure what to feel.

Is it Excitement because it’s a huge milestone in both a parent and child’s life? You can’t wait to take photographs of your new kindergartener smiling in their new school clothes at home before you leave. And then later at school until you realize that you are hovering. The kindergarten teacher is smiling and even your child is waving you goodbye.

Or is it Nervousness? You are worried that your child won’t enjoy school or make friends and you will need to console them on the way home so they can come back tomorrow. What if they don’t like their teacher? What if they don’t have fun? What if they don’t get along with the other kindergarteners or want to come home early? There’s so much that could prevent this day from being perfect and all you can do is hope that your child is happy and wants to return for the rest of the school year.

Or are you Cool, Calm and Collected? You have done everything you can to prepare, and it may have taken lots of effort, but it’s going to pay off. Now you can enjoy the rest of your summer with the kids without worrying about the impending first day. You can savor your time with your kids without worrying about your kindergartener’s first day. You have done everything you can to get them to this point, and now it’s up to them for the next few hours. You are resting easy knowing you set them up for success.

For most parents, there are a lot of stressors getting their child ready to start school. So much to organize. So much to do.

One of the first stressors is finding the classroom and meeting the kindergarten teacher. Another one is meeting new parents to carpool with or finding the number of your child’s school bus and checking where the drop-off is. Then preparing a morning routine to get your child ready in time at the unholy hour of 6:30 am the next day, and doing it five times a week. You also have to make time to take your child to get new school clothes at the mall, where stores are packed with other parents there for the same reason. And finally, you have to find all the school supplies on the list that the teacher requested. If you are frazzled, there is a way to save yourself the hassle of hunting down your kindergartener’s supplies in multiple stores.

Meet EduKit, your one-stop kindergarten school supplies kit shopping experience. The school’s admin or PTA gathers the teacher supply lists and EduKit does the rest. A Kindergarten School Supplies Kit is then created with the contents matching teacher’s lists and is made available for parents to purchase online. The school can even decide whether to have the kits delivered to the family’s homes or to the school itself. It’s a one stop shop for all your school supply needs!

Rather than waiting for the school to wise up, you can bring EduKit directly to the attention of the PTA or school admin. Tell them how EduKit can make life so much easier for you and all the parents at your school while ensuring that every student is ready for the school year. Talk to your school admin or PTA and ask them to fill out the contact us form located on the EduKit website.

So instead of Oh No!!! ... it’s a sigh of relief!!! You’re free to enjoy the summer with your child, and that is priceless.

Contacting EduKit really is a no brainer. We make ordering the kindergarten school supplies kit a breeze. And another benefit? The school can decide whether to have the kit delivered straight to your home or have it ready to pick up at the school like a present for your child on their first day of school.

Are you ready to have your school sign up with EduKit? See if your school is already set up with an EduKit program or sign up to have your school begin the program here.

Tags: School Supply Kits, Back-to-School, School Coordinators, How To