How to Prepare for a New School Year for Teachers
Even though it may not feel like it, many schools across the country are already halfway through the summer break. For many teachers, that means you’ve already started planning for the upcoming school year.
In today’s post, we’ll outline some tips and tricks that teachers can follow to ensure you are ready for both in-person and distance learning this fall. Regardless of what the school year looks like, ensuring your students have the school supplies they need is of the utmost importance, and EduKit’s school supply sets make it easier than ever to do just that. Keep reading to learn more about how teachers can prepare for a new school year, and feel free to reach out to us with any questions about school supply delivery.
Learn From the Spring
When schools throughout the U.S. began including distance learning to their schedules, it presented a new challenge that teachers, students, and administrators have never faced before. At the same time, though, it likely forced you to grow as a teacher as much as any two-month stretch in your career. Use that to your advantage when planning for the fall! You know what worked and what didn’t work for you and your students, so play off those strengths this time around.
Be Flexible
While many schools have plans in place, changes to the school year can still occur last minute without taking into account teacher preference or preparation. Because of this, it’s crucial for you as a teacher to be flexible with your lesson plans. Prioritize plans and activities that can be completed both online and in person. If that’s not possible for some portions of your curriculum, try to have backup plans in place for both distance and in-person learning.
Do Your Research
From in-person workshops to studies posted online, there are numerous ways you can educate yourself about the triumphs and failures of other teachers in your position throughout the nation. Just like you may have some successes you want to build on from the spring, other teachers may have experienced similar results. Use these teacher resources to help you prepare for a new school year , regardless of what happens in a classroom or online.
Maintaining an open, consistent line of communication is incredibly valuable right now. With the amount of uncertainty schools are facing, it’s crucial that teachers, administration, and families are all on the same page. If you already have your class list, reach out to families to begin that line of communication and help calm any nerves they may have about the school year. In terms of administration, make sure you stay up to date on the latest developments and plans for the year.
This consistent communication also presents a great opportunity to introduce EduKit’s school kits to your administration. If you want a prepared group of students — be it online or in person — our prepackaged school supply kits are a must. Talk to your administration about the benefits of school supply kits, and feel free to call us with any questions you may have!
If you follow this advice, then you’ll have less anxiety for when the semester starts because you will know exactly how to prepare for a new school year as a teacher!