Stay Prepared for Distance Learning with Supplies for Students

   Preparing for Distance Learning with Supplies for Students

It is always difficult for school administrators to plan for the upcoming school years, but there is a good chance that distance learning or a hybrid program – a mix of in-person and distance learning – may still need to be considered moving forward.

Although learning from home was intimidating from the beginning of the pandemic and new to both parents, students, and teachers during its early inception, by now it has become less intimidating and the educational world is prepared to manage as needed.

CDC Guidance

According to updated guidance in January 2022, the CDC has said that in-person learning is preferable to distance learning. But we know this is not always possible. With the arrival and quick spread of the COVID Omicron variant, in-person schooling has been made difficult as students and staff are affected. Some schools have had to close and revert to e-learning once again.

Although individual quarantine and isolation days are still important tools to control the spread, they have now been limited to five days instead of ten. This relieves some of the pressure on parents if the students have to remain at home.

However, with the arrival of new Coronavirus strains like Delta, Omicron, or whatever may come next, it is likely that both quarantining and online learning could continue.

EduKit Is the Way to Go

But what does distance learning mean for parents exactly? Parents may still struggle with the demands of balancing work and home. However, this is where Edukit can be a game changer.

EduKit’s distance learning supplies for students can make life easier for all those impacted by the virus, especially parents. Now that online access for students is more equitable and many technical difficulties have been resolved, Edukit provides the solution for the student who has to learn from home.

EduKit is Customizable and Flexible

Customizable and flexible, EduKit knows that there is no size that fits all. We work with school administrators and teachers to ensure that the distance learning supplies for students are appropriate.

EduKit can adapt kits to the environment and age group required. No matter what the grade-level and needs are, the kits are full of items curated by teachers that are right for not just your student but their whole class agenda.

EduKit understands that buying school supplies online can be a nightmare when not everything is available on one site. Scrolling through the inventory to find what students need for the upcoming school year takes time and can be disappointing if the online school supplier doesn’t have exactly what is needed. Moving from website to website to find a specific item is also time consuming and can take away from other summer activities.

EduKit’s School Supply Kits are Fully Customizable

EduKit is the way to go, whether school is being held in a school environment, online, or in a hybrid setting. Because the kits are customized by the teachers who lead the classes, the contents can be changed to suit the learning environment that the students will be in. Rather than creating a standard kit meant only for the classroom, teachers can adjust their supplies lists to fit the environment and their teaching styles. And the cherry on top? EduKit can be delivered to the school or to your home for 360-degree convenience.

EduKit’s distance learning supplies for students are high quality and arrive pre-organized in durable packaging. If something is wrong, EduKit’s account managers are committed to making it right. Edukit offers a 100 % guarantee because customer satisfaction is keyUnlike other school suppliers out there, EduKit also does not charge re-stocking or return fees. Any questions? They can be answered through live customer service.

EduKit’s goals and values have stayed strong in the twenty-nine years since it began out of a garage.

Learn more about EduKit here or contact us to set up a program at your school!

Tags: school supply kits, back-to-school tips, prepackaged school supplies, distance learning